August 10-13:   Boner Flat 

TRAIL INFORMATION: Lick Creek Trail #1809, Boner Flat #1801, Lick Ck #1809

PROJECT DETAILS: Aug 10th start at Lick Ck TH-#1809 to SF Imnaha to N Fork trail (#1814) and camp on Middle Fork Imnaha R. (approx 7 mi).  Day 2 Trail clearing and improve marking the Boner Flat trail #1801 (logout, cairns, trail signs). Day 3 (if finished) Trail clearing 2 miles up the NorthFork Imnaha Trail (#1814), Day 4 Hike back out to Lick Ck TH ( Aug . 13). 

LEADER: Randi Jandt

PACKER:     Holly Akenson