August 26-28:   Sullivan Creek #2

TRAIL INFORMATION: Sullivan Creek #1946, Little Kettle Creek Trail

PROJECT DETAILS: This a backpacking trip, bring any overnight sleeping and food supplies.   Meet at E. Eagle Creek Bridge nr. Eagleton, leaving a parked vehicle for later shuttle back to trailhead; hike with packs from E. Eagle Creek TH up Little Kettle Creek Trail to mile 2.66 (fir tree at switchback, +1,440’ elevation); remove brush .1 mile up and .2 mile down trail; continue hike to fir grove (approx. .5 mile distance) to remove 24” log and make camp near stream.

Sunday 8/27: Hike to Crater Lake (3.+/-, +1,200’ elevation), removing 17+ logs and triage brushing; make camp.

Monday 8/28: Hike Cliff River Trail to Sullivan Creek Trail Junction (3. miles,+ 400’ elevation); descend (6.5 miles, -3,720’ elevation) to trail terminus and exit to E. Eagle Creek Bridge, reconn trail alignment and conditions, remove logs and brush as needed, eta 4:30p at parked vehicle and 4 mile shuttle to E. Eagle Creek Trailhead. 

LEADER: Mike Beaty

PACKER:    n/a